कोशी प्रदेश सरकार
स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालय
उर्लाबारी-३, मङ्गलबारे, मोरङ, कोशी प्रदेश, नेपाल

Tender Notice For Procurement of Equipment for cast procedure room

Province Government

Ministry of Health

Health Directorate

Madan Bhandari Hospital Tatha Trauma Center

Koshi province

Mangalbare, Urlabari, Morang

Tender Notice

Contract Identification :- MBHTC /G/NCB-6/2080/2081

First Date Of Publication :- 2024-03-31

  1. The Madan Bhandari Hospital Tatha Trama Center invites NCB Electronic bids from eligible bidders for the procurement of Procurement of Equipment for cast procedure room under National competitive bidding – Single-Stage: Single Envelope Bidding Procedure.
  2. Interested Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the office of the Madan Bhandari Hospital Tatha Trama Center Tel: 021-410053, Email: mbhtc.np@gmail.com , Website:www.bolpatra.gov.np. or You can also visit www.bolpatra.gov.np/egp.
  3. Interested bidders shall register in the e-GP system and deposit the cost of bidding document in the following bank.
Name of Bank :- Rastriya Banijya Bank
Name of the Office :- Madan Bhandari Hospital Tatha Trama Center
Office Code No :- 3700213011
Office Account No :- 1000100201010001
Revenue Head No :- 14229
  1. Interested Bidders shall submit the electronic Bids through www.bolpatra.gov.np/egp to the above office of Madan Bhandari Hospital Tatha Trama Center, Mangalbare, Urlabari, Morang, on or before 12:00 (Noon) on 2024-04-30 Bids shall be opened in the presence of Bidders representatives who choose to attend on 2.00 PM on 2024-04-30 at office of Madan Bhandari Hospital Tatha Trama Center, Mangalbare, Urlabari, Morang.
  2. Matters not covered by this notice shall be in accordance with Public Procurement Act-2063. Public Procurement Regulations-2064 and their amendments.
  3. In the case of discrepancies or error in bid documents, bid notice or any other document, purchaser reserve the right to amend and correct at any time.


S.N. Contract Identification No Description of Items Cost of Bidding document (NRs) Account No. Amount of Bid security (NRs) Bid Validity Minimum Bid Security Date
1. MBHTC /G/NCB-6/2080/2081 Procurement of Equipment for cast procedure room 3,000.00 2120100202030000 1,07,350.00 90 Days 2024-08-28

Act.Medical Superintendent

आकस्मिक (Emergency)

आकस्मिक सेवा अस्पतालको अति महत्वपूर्ण सेवा हो । यस अस्पतालमा आकस्मिक उपचार सेवा अलग्गै भवनमा संचालित छ । भवन धेरै पहिले निर्माण भई संचालनमा आएकाले

ओ.पी.डी. (Out Patient)

यस अस्पतालमा बाहिरङ्ग सेवा बिहान 8 बजे देखि दैनिक रुपमा संञ्चालन हुन्छ । विहान ७ बजे देखी टो पुर्जा काटीन्छ  र ११ बजे बन्द हुन्छ

प्रयोगशाला (Laboratory)

प्रयोगशाला शाखा अस्पतालको छुटै भवनमा संञ्चालित छ । यस शाखाबाट २४ घण्टा सेवा प्रदान गरिन्छ । बिरामीलाई छिटो छरितो र गुणस्तरीय सेवा उपलब्ध गराउन अटोमेटेड

अन्तरंग (Inpatient)

यस अस्पतालको ठूलो भवनमा ५० बेडको अन्तरंग सेवा संचालन भइरहेको छ । सोही भवनको भु्इँ तलामा डेन्टल सेवा, ए.आर.भी सेवा, इ.सी.जी, बीमा शाखा, अपरेसन थिएटर,


फार्मेसी (Pharmacy)

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